
Simple web service used to update an IP address on domains.google.com if the current one has changed.



Simple web service used to update an IP address on domains.google.com if the current one has changed. Obtains current IP address using the WebService::HazIP module, then compares the results with the IP address that was set the last time the service was ran. It there was a change, the updateIP() method is then called to update the IP address using the HTTP::UserAgent module.


  • Maybe POST request would be better


  • checkPreviousIP()

  • updateIP()


  • One of the response codes from domains.google.com

  • "No change. No action taken."

Example usage:

use v6;
use WebService::GoogleDyDNS;

multi sub MAIN( :$domain, :$login, :$password ) {

  my $updater = WebService::GoogleDyDNS.new(domainName => $domain, login => $login , password => $password );
  if $updater.outdated { say $updater.updateIP(); } else { say "No change. No action taken."; }


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