
TagLib C bindings in Perl6




TagLib C bindings in Perl6


provides bindings to libtag_c.so or libtag_c.dynlib or your systems equivalent, you're able to change and read title, track, album, artist, year and genre.

you're also able to read (but not change) samplerate, length, channels and bitrate

class TagLibC::Wrapper

An easy wrapper object for taglib_c

method new

method new(
    Str $path
) returns TagLibC::Wrapper

Creates a new TagLibC::Wrapper object from file given. Throws when file doesn't exist

method get-hash

method get-hash() returns Hash

Gets a hash with all available info e.g. { album => "Edited & Forgotten", artist => "Sinister Souls", genre => "", info => { bitrate => 270, channels => 2, length => 311, samplerate => 44100 }, title => "3D", track => 3, year => 2014 }

method length

method length() returns Int

Get length from this file in seconds

method bitrate

method bitrate() returns Int

Get bitrate from this file

method channels

method channels() returns Int

Get amount of channels from this file

method samplerate

method samplerate() returns Int

Get the samplerate from this file

method validate

method validate() returns Mu

Validate the current file, throws if it's destroyed or not valid

method artist

method artist() returns Str

Get the artist

method artist

method artist(
    Str $artist
) returns Mu

Set the artist

method title

method title() returns Str

Get the title

method title

method title(
    Str $title
) returns Mu

Set the title

method album

method album() returns Str

Get the album

method album

method album(
    Str $album
) returns Mu

Set the album

method comment

method comment() returns Str

Get the comment

method comment

method comment(
    Str $comment
) returns Mu

Set the comment

method genre

method genre() returns Str

Get the genre

method genre

method genre(
    Str $genre
) returns Mu

Set the genre

method year

method year() returns Int

Get the year

method year

method year(
) returns Mu

Set the year

method year

method year(
    Int $year
) returns Mu

Set the year

method track

method track() returns Int

Get the track

method track

method track(
) returns Mu

Set the track

method track

method track(
    Int $track
) returns Mu

Set the track

method destroy

method destroy() returns Mu

Free all memory and destroy this object

method save

method save() returns Mu

Write all changes to the filesystem

module TagLibC

All functions exposed by libtag_c

sub library

sub library() returns Mu

Cached version of library search

sub library_search

sub library_search() returns Mu

Search for libtag_c and teturn the most likely location

sub taglib_set_strings_unicode

sub taglib_set_strings_unicode(
    int32 $unicode
) returns Mu

By default all strings coming into or out of TagLib's C API are in UTF8. However, it may be desirable for TagLib to operate on Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) strings in which case this should be set to FALSE.

sub taglib_set_string_management_enabled

sub taglib_set_string_management_enabled(
    int32 $management
) returns Mu

TagLib can keep track of strings that are created when outputting tag values and clear them using taglib_tag_clear_strings(). This is enabled by default. However if you wish to do more fine grained management of strings, you can do so by setting \a management to FALSE.

sub taglib_free

sub taglib_free(
    NativeCall::Types::Pointer $pointer
) returns Mu

Explicitly free a string returned from TagLib

sub taglib_file_new

sub taglib_file_new(
    Str $filename
) returns TagLibC::File

Creates a TagLib file based on \a filename. TagLib will try to guess the file type. \returns NULL if the file type cannot be determined or the file cannot be opened.

sub taglib_file_new_type

sub taglib_file_new_type(
    Str $filename,
    int32 $type
) returns TagLibC::File

Creates a TagLib file based on \a filename. Rather than attempting to guess the type, it will use the one specified by \a type.

sub taglib_file_free

sub taglib_file_free(
    TagLibC::File $file
) returns Mu

Frees and closes the file.

sub taglib_file_tag

sub taglib_file_tag(
    TagLibC::File $file
) returns TagLibC::Tag

Returns a pointer to the tag associated with this file. This will be freed automatically when the file is freed.

sub taglib_file_audioproperties

sub taglib_file_audioproperties(
    TagLibC::File $file
) returns TagLibC::AudioProperties

Returns a pointer to the audio properties associated with this file. This will be freed automatically when the file is freed.

sub taglib_file_save

sub taglib_file_save(
    TagLibC::File $file
) returns int32

Saves the \a file to disk.

sub taglib_tag_title

sub taglib_tag_title(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag
) returns Str

Returns a string with this tag's title. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded and its memory should be freed using taglib_tag_free_strings().

sub taglib_tag_artist

sub taglib_tag_artist(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag
) returns Str

Returns a string with this tag's artist. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded and its memory should be freed using taglib_tag_free_strings().

sub taglib_tag_album

sub taglib_tag_album(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag
) returns Str

Returns a string with this tag's album name. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded and its memory should be freed using taglib_tag_free_strings().

sub taglib_tag_comment

sub taglib_tag_comment(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag
) returns Str

Returns a string with this tag's comment. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded and its memory should be freed using taglib_tag_free_strings().

sub taglib_tag_genre

sub taglib_tag_genre(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag
) returns Str

Returns a string with this tag's genre. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded and its memory should be freed using taglib_tag_free_strings().

sub taglib_tag_year

sub taglib_tag_year(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag
) returns uint32

Returns the tag's year or 0 if year is not set.

sub taglib_tag_track

sub taglib_tag_track(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag
) returns uint32

Returns the tag's track number or 0 if track number is not set.

sub taglib_tag_set_title

sub taglib_tag_set_title(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag,
    Str $title
) returns Mu

Sets the tag's title. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded.

sub taglib_tag_set_artist

sub taglib_tag_set_artist(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag,
    Str $artist
) returns Mu

Sets the tag's artist. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded.

sub taglib_tag_set_album

sub taglib_tag_set_album(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag,
    Str $album
) returns Mu

Sets the tag's album. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded.

sub taglib_tag_set_comment

sub taglib_tag_set_comment(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag,
    Str $comment
) returns Mu

Sets the tag's comment. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded.

sub taglib_tag_set_genre

sub taglib_tag_set_genre(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag,
    Str $genre
) returns Mu

Sets the tag's genre. \note By default this string should be UTF8 encoded.

sub taglib_tag_set_year

sub taglib_tag_set_year(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag,
    uint32 $year
) returns Mu

Sets the tag's year. 0 indicates that this field should be cleared.

sub taglib_tag_set_track

sub taglib_tag_set_track(
    TagLibC::Tag $tag,
    uint32 $track
) returns Mu

Sets the tag's track number. 0 indicates that this field should be cleared.

sub taglib_tag_free_strings

sub taglib_tag_free_strings() returns Mu

Frees all of the strings that have been created by the tag.

sub taglib_audioproperties_length

sub taglib_audioproperties_length(
    TagLibC::AudioProperties $audioProperties
) returns int32

Returns the length of the file in seconds.

sub taglib_audioproperties_bitrate

sub taglib_audioproperties_bitrate(
    TagLibC::AudioProperties $audioProperties
) returns int32

Returns the bitrate of the file in kb/s.

sub taglib_audioproperties_samplerate

sub taglib_audioproperties_samplerate(
    TagLibC::AudioProperties $audioProperties
) returns int32

Returns the sample rate of the file in Hz.

sub taglib_audioproperties_channels

sub taglib_audioproperties_channels(
    TagLibC::AudioProperties $audioProperties
) returns int32

Returns the number of channels in the audio stream.

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