class StrictNamedArguments

Checks for extra named parameters on method calls and throws X::Parameter::ExtraNamed.


use v6;
	use StrictNamedArguments;
# Just use the trait 'strict' for methods
	class Foo { 	 # your class
	    has $.valid; # attribute, used by .new
# A regular method that expects a named argument:
		# msg => 'some_value'
		# and returns the value in upper case (in this example)
	    method shout(:$msg) is strict { $msg.uc.say; self }
# The Perl6 constructor is a regular method and can also
		# me made strict if you provide the method strictly.
		# The syntax of named parameters is a hash to be blessed.
	    method new(:$valid) is strict { self.bless(valid => $valid) }
		when X::Parameter::ExtraNamed {
			note .gist;


Module StrictNamedArguments adds the trait is strict that wraps any method and applies a check for extra named arguments. If a call to the wrapped methods does got extra named arguments the exception X::Parameter::ExtraNamed is thrown.



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