Advanced URL router in Raku

Advanced, framework-agnostic URL routing engine for web applications in Raku programming language:


use v6.d;
use Router::Right;

my $route =;

    :name( 'dynaroute' ),
    :path( 'GET /dynamic/{id:<[\d]>+}/{tag}/{item}' ),
    :payload( 'Dynamic#Route' ),

if !(
    my %m = $route.match(
        %*ENV<REQUEST_URI> || ~(),
) {
    say $route.error;
else {
    say %m.gist;


  • new() ā€” returns a new Router::Right instance;

  • add() ā€” defines a new route;

  • match() ā€” attempts to find a route that matches the supplied URL;

  • error() ā€” returns the error code of the last failed match;

  • allowed_methods() ā€” returns the array of allowed methods for a given route;

  • url() ā€” constructs a URL from the route;

  • as_string() ā€” returns a report of the defined routes, in order of definition;

  • with() ā€” helper method to share information across multiple routes;

  • resource() ā€” adds routes to create, read, update, and delete a given resource;

  • route() ā€” returns route details hash.


Wiki pages

Full documentation is available at Router::Right wiki pages.


Router::Right module is free and open source software, so you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.


Please contact me via Matrix or LinkedIn. Your feedback is welcome at


This module was inspired by origin Perl5 Router::Right developed by @mla. Check it out at Github.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.