

Router::Boost::Method - Router::Boost with HTTP method support


use Router::Boost::Method;
my $router =;
  $router.add(['GET'],         '/a',                 'g');
  $router.add(['POST'],        '/a',                 'p');
  $router.add([],              '/b',                 'any');
  $router.add(['GET'],         '/c',                 'get only');
  $router.add(['GET', 'HEAD'], '/d',                 'get/head');
  $router.add(['GET'],         '/user/{id:\d ** 3}', 'capture');
my $dest = $router.match('GET', '/user/123');
  # => {:allowed-methods($[]), :captured(${:id("123")}), :!is-method-not-allowed, :stuff("capture")}
my $dest = $router.match('/access/to/not/existed/path');
  # => {}


Router::Boost doesn't care the routing with HTTP method. It's simple and good. But it makes hard to implement the rule like this:

get  '/' => { 'get ok'  };
  post '/' => { 'post ok' };

Then, this class helps you to realize such functions.


add(Router::Boost::Method:D: @methods, Str $path, Any $stuff)

Add a new path to the router.

@methods is a list to represent HTTP method. i.e. ['GET'], ['POST'], ['DELETE'], ['PUT'], etc. If you want to allow any HTTP methods, please pass [] for this argument (e.g. $router.add([], '/any', 'any')). You can specify the multiple HTTP methods in list like $router.add(['GET', 'HEAD'], '/', 'top')>.

$path is the path string.

$stuff is the destination path data. Any data is OK.

match(Router::Boost::Method:D: Str $request-method, Str $path)

Matching with the router.

$request-method is the HTTP request method.

$path is the path string.

Return value is like following;

return {
      stuff                 => 'foobar',
      captured              => {},
      is-method-not-allowed => False,
      allowed-methods       => [],

If the request is not matching with any path, this method returns empty hash.

If the request is matched well then, return stuff, captured. And is-method-not-allowed is False.

If the request path is matched but the $request-method is not matched, then stuff and captured is Nil. And is-method-not-allowed is True. And then allowed-method suggests allowed HTTP methods.

< my @routes = $router->routes() >

Get the list of registered routes. Every routes has following schema.

[List, Str, Any]

For example:

[['GET','HEAD'], "/foo", \&dispatch-foo]


moznion <[email protected]>


Tokuhiro Matsuno

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