Prompt::Gruff - uncomplicated yet functional and terse user input
use Prompt::Gruff::Export;
# Input is required by default
my $name = prompt-for('Enter name (required): ');
# You can make it not so
my $mail = prompt-for('Email: ', required => False);
# Multi-line is terminated with a hideous but effective ctrl_d
my $desc = prompt-for('Description (end with ^D)', multi-line => True);
# Make your user verify their input as many times as you like
my $haha = prompt-for('Complicated thing: ', :verify(4));
# For purely object-oriented inteface, just omit the
# "::Export" bit in your use statement.
use Prompt::Gruff;
# Prompt for Name and make them verify everything prompted for with that
# object henceforth until the verify attribute is changed.
my $gruff =;
my $name = $gruff.prompt-for('Name: ');
Quick and dirty (and simple (for us)) user prompting.
If you don't want to learn anything new, this module's for you.
Supports crude multi-line input and re-type verification, along with default values.
You can also define arbitrary regexes for fun.
required (default: True)
The "required" attribute, True by default, will forever hound the user until they respond with something or destroy the machine.
multi-line (default: False)
The "multi-line" argument, False by default, opens up STDIN from the user so that they may continuously type all they want until they enter a ^D character to terminate their input, or they manage to exhaust the computer's memory.
Multi-line input places the prompt on a line of its own, then starts the input below.
verify (UInt) (default: 1)
Takes a number, and forces the user to type in their input that many times!
If it's set to more than 1, then each time they re-enter it, their input will be verified against the last thing they entered -- and if they didn't enter it in exactly the same, they get asked again.
I strongly recommend a verify setting of at least 5. For everything. All the time.
regex (Str)
You can pass a string (without the enclosing '/'s) representing a regex and your user will be constrained to your exacting specifications.
default (Str)
Setting or passing in a 'default' string will allow your user to just hit enter without having to look at anything or even think in the slightest.
They can just pound the enter key, and your pre-made default string will be used.
yn (Bool)
If your user can handle choosing between yes or no questions and typing a 'y' or an 'n' on the keyboard, setting :yn True might be nice.
You can choose a :default value too.
The return value is True or False.
no-escape (Bool) (default: True)
Trap your user in an endless loop until they satisfactorily bend to your will. This is the default.
:no-escape(False) will cause errors to fail out instead of re-prompting.
prompt-for ($prompt_text,
[Bool :required (True)],
[Bool :multi-line (False)]),
[Str :regex],
[Str :default],
[Bool :yn],
[Bool :no-escape],
[UInt :verify (1)],
Takes the required positional $prompt_text string as the user prompt and returns what the user decided to input.
Arguments passed to prompt-for()
will override their corresponding
Mark Rushing [email protected]
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.