use NativeCall;
use Net::Pcap::C_Buf :short :util;
sub strerror_r(int $err, OpaquePointer $buf, int $len) returns int is native { * };
my $buf = C_Buf.calloc(256);
strerror_r(0xFFFFFFFF, $buf, 256);
say $buf.decode('ascii');
class Net::Pcap::C_Buf
:short trait exports:
constant C_Buf ::= Net::Pcap::C_Buf;
:util trait exports:
sub C_calloc(...);
sub C_malloc(...);
sub C_memcpy(...);
sub C_free(...);
constant uint8p = CArray[uint8];
C_calloc(int $nelem, int $elsize) returns OpaquePointer
is export(:util)
Interface to the C calloc() function.
C_malloc(int $size) returns OpaquePointer
is export(:util)
Interface to the C malloc() function.
C_memcpy(OpaquePointer $dst, OpaquePointer $src, int $n) returns OpaquePointer
is export(:util)
Interface to the C memcpy() function.
C_free(OpaquePointer $ptr)
is export(:util)
Interface to the C free() function
class Net::Pcap::C_Buf
does Positional
$.ptr is OpaquePointer
$.carray is uint8p
Pointer to the C buffer
$.carray contains this pointer cast to uint8p
$.elems is Int
Number of elements (bytes) in the buffer.
$.is_owner is Bool
Set if the Perl6 garbage collector needs to free the buffer before object destruction.
$.is_freed is rw is Bool
Set if the buffer has been free()'d.
.new(OpaquePointer $ptr, Int $elems, Bool $is_owner = True) returns C_Buf
.new(Buf $buf) returns C_Buf
C_Buf constructor.
Free the buffer
.malloc(int $size) returns C_Buf
Calls malloc and constructs a C_Buf for the return pointer.
.calloc(int $size) returns C_Buf
Calls calloc and constructs a C_Buf for the return pointer.
.clone() returns C_Buf
Copies the buffer to a newly allocated area of memory and returns a C_Buf for the new buffer.
.Buf() returns Buf
Converts the C buffer to the builtin Buf type.
.unpack_n(Int $i) returns Int
Unpacks a 16-bit integer from the buffer, starting at position $i.
.unpack_N(Int $i) returns Int
Unpacks a 32-bit integer from the buffer, starting at position $i.
.unpack(Str $str)
.unpack(Int $start, Str $str)
Calls unpack($str) on the buffer.
If $start is given, start unpacking at position $start.
.subbuf(Int $from, Int $len = slef.elems) returns C_Buf
Copy part of the buffer to a newly allocated memory region.
.decode($encoding = 'utf-8') returns Str
Converts the buffer to the builtin Buf type and calls .decode($encoding) on it.
It is C-string aware, so if ($encoding eq 'ascii') it will stop decoding when it
finds a 0x00 byte.
.at_pos(Int $pos) returns Int
Returns the byte at position $pos. C_Buf does Positional so this code is called if C_Buf
called with brackets like so $buf[1].
.assign_pos(Int $pos, $assignee)
Assignes the byte $assignee to position $pos. C_Buf does Positional so this code is called
if the buffer is called with brackets to assign, like so: $buf[1] = 0;
.bytes() returns Int
Returns the number of bytes in the buffer.