
Open Sound Control for Perl6


Open Sound Control for Perl6

Use the Net::OSC module to communicate with OSC applications and devices!


use Net::OSC;

my Net::OSC::Server::UDP $server .= new(
  :send-to-address<localhost> # ā† Optional but makes sending to a single host very easy!
  :send-to-port(7658)         # ā†²
      sub ($msg, $match) {
        if $msg.type-string eq 's' {
          say "Hello { $msg.args[0] }!";
        else {
          say "Hello?";

# Send some messages!
$server.send: '/hello', :args('world', );
$server.send: '/hello', :args('lamp', );
$server.send: '/hello';

# Our routing will ignore this message:
$server.send: '/hello/not-really';

# Send a message to someone else?
$server.send: '/hello', :args('out there', ), :address<>, :port(54321);

#Allow some time for our messages to arrive
sleep 0.5;

# Give our server a chance to say good bye if it needs too.


Net::OSC distribution currently provides the following classes:

  • Net::OSC

  • Net::OSC::Types

  • Net::OSC::Message

  • Net::OSC::Server

  • Net::OSC::Server::UDP

  • Net::OSC::Transport::TCP

Classes planned for future releases include:

  • Net::OSC::Bundle

  • Net::OSC::Server::TCP

Net::OSC imports Net::OSC::Server::UDP and the action sub to the using name space. Net::OSC::Message provide a representation for OSC messages.

See reference section below for usage details.


  • Net::OSC::Server::TCP

  • Additional OSC types



Sam Gillespie [email protected]


TCP transport module contributed by Karl Yerkes <[email protected]>.


Copyright 2016 Sam Gillespie

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.


Net::OSC subroutines

multi sub action

multi sub action(
    Regex $path,
    Callable $call-back
) returns Net::OSC::Types::EXPORT::DEFAULT::ActionTuple

Creates an action tuple for use in a server's actions list. The first argument is the path, which is checked when an OSC message is received. If the path of the message matches then the call back is executed. The call back is passed the Net::OSC::Message object and the match object from the regular expression comparison.

multi sub action

multi sub action(
    Str $path where { ... },
    Callable $call-back
) returns Net::OSC::Types::EXPORT::DEFAULT::ActionTuple

Creates an action tuple for use in a server's actions list. The string must be a valid OSC path (currently we only check for a beginning '/' character). In the future this subroutine may translate OSC path meta characters to Perl6 regular expressions.


Net::OSC::Bundle - Implements OSC message bundling and unbundling


method new(:@messages, :$time-stamp)

method package

method package() returns Blob

Packages up a bundle into a Blob, ready for transport over a binary protocol. The pacakge contains the time-stamp and all messages of the Bundle object.

method unpackage

method unpackage(
    Blob:D $bundle
) returns Net::OSC::Bundle

Unapackages a Blob into a bundle object. The blob must begin with #bundle0x00 as defined by the OSC spec.


Net::OSC::Message - Implements OSC message packing and unpacking


method new(:$path = '/', :@args, :$!is64bit = True)

Set :is64bit to false to force messages to be packed to 32bit types this option may be required to talk to some versions of Max and other old OSC implementations.

sub osc-message

sub osc-message(
) returns Net::OSC::Message

Function for creating a new OSC Message. The list of arguments is infered according to the 32bit type map, since it is the most widely accepted. To define specific types (such as Doubles and Longs) use OSCType wrappers from Net::OSC::Types.

sub osc-decode

sub osc-decode(
    Blob:D $buffer
) returns Net::OSC::Message

Function for unpacking an OSC message. Accepts a defined buffer and returns an Net::OSC::Message. Decoding errors are thrown as exceptions.

method type-string

method type-string() returns Str

Returns the current type string of this messages content. See OSC types for possible values.

method pick-osc-type

method pick-osc-type(
) returns Str

Returns the character representing the OSC type $arg would be packed as by this Message object. If the argument is held in a wrapper from Net::OSC::Types then the wrapper's type will be used. Otherwise the type picker will try and infer a type according to the 32bit or 64 bit type map.

method args

method args(
) returns Seq

Adds any arguments as args to the object and returns the current message arguments. The OSC type of the argument will be determined according the the current OSC types map.

method set-args

method set-args(
) returns Mu

Clears the message args lists and sets it to the arguments provided. The OSC type of the argument will be determined according the the current OSC types map.

method type-map

method type-map() returns Seq

Returns the current OSC type map of the message. This will change depending on the is64bit flag.

method package

method package() returns Blob

Returns a Buf of the packed OSC message. See unpackage to turn a Buf into a Message object.

method unpackage

method unpackage(
    Buf $packed-osc
) returns Net::OSC::Message

Returns a Net::OSC::Message from a Buf where the content of the Buf is an OSC message. Will die on unhandled OSC type and behaviour is currently undefined on non OSC message Bufs.


Net::OSC::Server - A role to facilitate a convenient platform for OSC communication.


method new(:$!is64bit = True)

Set :is64bit to false to force messages to be packed to 32bit types this option may be required to talk to some versions of Max and other old OSC implementations.

method actions

method actions() returns Seq

Lists the actions managed by this server. Actions are expressed as a list holding a Regex and a Callable object. Upon receiving a message the server tries to match the path of the OSC message with the Regex of an action. All actions with a matching Regex will be executed. the Callable element of an action is called with a Net::OSC::Message and a Match object.

method add-action

method add-action(
    Regex $path,
    Callable $action
) returns Mu

Add an action for managing messages to the server. See the actions method description above for details and the add-actions method below for the plural expression.

method add-actions

method add-actions(
) returns Mu

Add multiple actions for managing messages to the server. See the actions method description above for details.

method send

method send(
    Str $path where { ... },
) returns Mu

Send and OSC message. The to add arguments to the message pass :args(...), after the OSC path string. Implementing classes of the Server role may accept additional named parameters.

method close

method close() returns Mu

Call the server's on-close method. This will call the server implementations on-close hook.

method transmit-message

method transmit-message(
    Net::OSC::Message:D $message
) returns Mu

Transmit an OSC message. This method must be implemented by consuming classes. implementations may add additional signatures. Use this method to send a specific OSC message object instead of send (which creates one for you).


Net::OSC::Server::UDP - A convenient platform for OSC communication over UDP.

Does Net::OSC::Server - look there for additional methods.


method new(
  Bool :$!is64bit = True,
  Str :listening-address,
  Int :listening-port,
  Str :send-to-address,
  Int :send-to-port,

Set :is64bit to false to force messages to be packed to 32bit types this option may be required to talk to some versions of Max and other old OSC implementations. The send-to-* parameters are not required but allow for convenient semantics if you are only communicating with a single host.

method send

method send(
    Str $path where { ... },
) returns Mu

Send a UDP message to a specific host and port. This method extends the Net::OSC::Server version and adds the :address and :port Named arguments to support UDP message sending. If :address or :port are not provided the Server's relevant send-to-* attribute will be used instead.

multi method transmit-message

multi method transmit-message(
    Net::OSC::Message:D $message
) returns Mu

Transmit an OSC message. This implementation will send the provided message to the server's send-to-* attributes.

multi method transmit-message

multi method transmit-message(
    Net::OSC::Message:D $message,
    Str $address,
    Int $port
) returns Mu

Transmit an OSC message to a specified host and port. This implementation sends the provided message to the specified address and port.


TCP transport routines for Net::OSC.

There are a variety of methods for transmitting OSC over TCP. This module provides routines sending your OSC messages with Length-prefixed message framing and SLIP message framing. See the individual subroutine descriptions for more details.


sub send-lp

sub send-lp(
    IO::Socket::INET $socket,
    Net::OSC::Message $message
) returns Mu

Sends an OSC message with Length-prefixed framing. This is known to be used in SuperCollider.

sub recv-lp

sub recv-lp(
    IO::Socket::INET $socket
) returns Net::OSC::Message

A subroutine for receiving Length-prefixed messages. This routine blocks until it has recieved a complete message.

sub send-slip

sub send-slip(
    IO::Socket::INET $socket,
    Net::OSC::Message $message
) returns Mu

Sends an OSC message with SLIP framing. This is known to be used in PureData.

sub recv-slip

sub recv-slip(
    IO::Socket::INET $socket
) returns Net::OSC::Message

A subroutine for receiving SLIP messages. This routine blocks until it has recieved a complete message.


Provides helper classes and subsets for dealing with OSC communications.

Type wrappers are provided for OSC 1.0 standard types.

class -> ;; $_? is raw { #`(Block|149465208) ... }

Tag Str values as OSC type 's'. Can be created via the osc-str function.

method type-code

method type-code() returns Str

Tag Blob values as OSC type 'b'. Can be created via the osc-blob function.

method type-code

method type-code() returns Str

Tag Int values as OSC type 'i'. Can be created via the osc-int32 function.

method type-code

method type-code() returns Str

Tag Int values as OSC type 'h'. Can be created via the osc-int64 function.

method type-code

method type-code() returns Str

Tag Rat values as OSC type 'f'. Can be created via the osc-float function.

method type-code

method type-code() returns Str

Tag Rat values as OSC type 'd'. Can be created via the osc-double function.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.