Name NativeCall::TypeDiag
use v6;
use Gumbo::Binding;
use NativeCall::TypeDiag;
my @headers = <gumbo.h>;
my @libs = <-lgumbo>;
my %typ;
# Construct the type from the exported stuff
for Gumbo::Binding::EXPORT::DEFAULT::.keys -> $export {
if ::($export).REPR eq 'CStruct' {
#convert foo_bar_s to FooBar
my $cname = $export.subst(/_s$/, '');
my @t = $cname.split('_').map: {.tc};
%typ{@t.join('')} = ::($export);
diag-cstructs(:cheaders(@headers), :types(%typ), :clibs(@libs));
A module that provide functions to look at your native types. Comparing with the their C equivalent.
diag-struct (nctype, :@cheaders, :@clibs = ())
Analyse the size of the fields of a CStruct and compare them to their C counterpart. It also show potential mistakes
return true if there is no error.
@cheaders is what you need to include to compile a C file using the lib. @clibs is extra options to the compiler.
diag-cstructs(:@cheaders, :@clibs = (), :%types)
Analyse a given list of structures
%types pairs must look like this :
"C name of the struct" => ::("name of NC type")
return true if there is no error.
REMOVED. It's now part of NativeCall
An array that is passed as option to the compiler cc
From one example in the examples folder.
use v6;
use NativeCall;
use NativeCall::TypeDiag;
class wrong_rgba_color_s is repr('CStruct'){
has int32 $.red;
has int32 $.blue;
has int32 $.green;
class rgba_color_s is repr('CStruct'){
has int32 $.red;
has int32 $.blue;
has int32 $.green;
has int32 $.alpha;
#struct s_toyunda_sub {
# usigned int start;
# usigned int stop;
# char* text;
# rgba_color_t color1;
# rgba_color_t color2;
# rgba_color_t tmpcolor;
# float positionx;
# float positiony;
# float position2x;
# float position2y;
# float fadingpositionx;
# float fadingpositiony;
# int size;
# int size2;
# int fadingsize;
# char* image;
class toyunda_subtitle_s is repr('CStruct') {
has int32 $.start;
has int32 $.stop;
has Str $.text;
HAS rgba_color_s $.color1;
HAS rgba_color_s $.color2;
has rgba_color_s $.tmpcolor;
has num32 $.positionx;
has num32 $.positiony;
has num32 $.position2x;
has num32 $.position2y;
has num32 $.fadingpositionx;
has num32 $.fadingpositiony;
has int32 $.size;
has int32 $.size2;
has int32 $.fadingsize;
has str $.image;
my @h = <toyundatype.h>;
my @l;
@nctd-extracompileroptions = "-I", "./";
diag-struct("rgba_color_t", wrong_rgba_color_s, :cheaders(@h));
say "----";
diag-struct("toyunda_sub_t", toyunda_subtitle_s, :cheaders(@h));
say "\n Some function \n";
sub foo1(Str $a, Int $b) is native('whatever') { * };
sub foo2(Num $a, Int $b) is native('whatever') { * };
sub foo3(Str $a, int32 $b) is native('whatever') returns Int { * };
diag-functions(:functions([&foo1, &foo2, &foo3]));
Its output
Compiling a test file, this assume field names are the same
-Perl6 name : wrong_rgba_color_s, C Name : rgba_color_t
__has int32 $red : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has int32 $blue : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has int32 $green : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
-Size given by sizeof and nativesizeof : C:16/NC:12
-Calculated total sizes : C:12/NC:12
Your representation is smaller than the cstruct, but total size of fields match. Did you forget a field?
Compiling a test file, this assume field names are the same
-Perl6 name : toyunda_subtitle_s, C Name : toyunda_sub_t
__has int32 $start : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has int32 $stop : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has Str $text : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__HAS rgba_color_s $color1 : c-size=16 | nc-size=16 -- :
__HAS rgba_color_s $color2 : c-size=16 | nc-size=16 -- :
__has rgba_color_s $tmpcolor : c-size=16 | nc-size=4 -- DONT MATCH: C size match nativesizeof(rgba_color_s). put HAS instead of has
__has num32 $positionx : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has num32 $positiony : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has num32 $position2x : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has num32 $position2y : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has num32 $fadingpositionx : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has num32 $fadingpositiony : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has int32 $size : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has int32 $size2 : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has int32 $fadingsize : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- :
__has str $image : c-size=4 | nc-size=4 -- : You should replace your 'str' type with 'Str'
-Size given by sizeof and nativesizeof : C:100/NC:88
-Calculated total sizes : C:100/NC:88
Some function
foo1 - Not a valid parameter type for parameter [2] $b : Int
-->For Numerical type, use the appropriate int32/int64/num64...
foo2 - Not a valid parameter type for parameter [1] $a : Num
-->For Numerical type, use the appropriate int32/int64/num64...
foo2 - Not a valid parameter type for parameter [2] $b : Int
-->For Numerical type, use the appropriate int32/int64/num64...
Int foo3 - You should not return a non NC type (like Int inplace of int32), truncating errors can appear with different architectures