
Mortgage Mortgage is a module that reads simulates mortage with emphasis on additional costs.


 use Mortgage;
 my $bank =>"BANK",interest_rate => rate-monthly(324), mortage => 1290.93, mortages => 360, loan-left=> 297000); 
 $bank.add(>1, to=>1, value=>$ * basis-point(164))); # paid only once
 $bank.calc; # all the stuff goes here
 say $bank;


Type used for calculation is based on data put by user. So if FatRat is provided it gets infinite precision. If Rat is provided, that is most common perl6 type for non-integer, probalby rakudo will implicitly change it to Num. Don't worry for most mortages there is no difference.


For now it uses arithmetic rounding. In future it should use bank rounding.

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