

Exporting aliases

Can be usefull to use more consise routines :

use Log::Any( :subs );

log-adapt( );

warning( 'missing some configuration' );
critical( 'a big problem occured' );

will-log( :category<...> );
will-trace( ... );



Often, applications or libraries are already available, and prints their logs to STDOUT and/or STDERR. Log::Any could captures these logs and manage them.


Catches all unhandled exceptions to log them (can be dangerous).


Dump a stacktrace with the log. This could be usefull to find a problem. Is it necessary? Is it possible to do in an Adapter or some Proxy ?


keep in cache logs in streams (all, from trace to error) - if an error occurs (how to detect, using a level?), log the stacktrace ; - if nothing special occurs, log cached logs as specified in the filters.

Log::Any.trace('entering method with parameters ...'); # nothing logged
Log::Any.noticej('currently working');                 # nothing logged
Log::Any.error( 'oops' );                              # Trigger previous logs

Would prints something like:

Log::Any: Triggered by an error:
  currently working
  entering method with parameters ...
  • how to determine that logs are in the same stacktrace?

  • use a proxy ?

  • something easily parseable


A proxy is a class used to intercept messages before they are relly sent to the log subroutine. They can be usefull to log more than strings, or to analyse the message. They can also add some data in the message like tags. todo: is a filter, a proxy?


Where? - in place of category ? - as extended informations ? +1 How? - tags: [ tag1, tag2 ] - how to log them (array) ?

Replace category with a tag, and add read-only source

Die when not handled

Returns an error (logging, exception?) if a log is not handled.

Does not log duplicate messages

Check if a log message already been logged during the last .

Will call the proxy before logging the message. - if the message already been seen n times during the last 1s, increment a counter and return false (meaning the log will not be logged). - a timer executing every n s will print a message like '$msg has been seen n times during the last n s' ; - empty the stack - if not, log basically the message.

Log::Any.add( $adapter, :proxy( :stack-size( 10 ), :time-interval( '1s' ) );

Prints something like:

Wow an error in an infinite loop...
* Log::Any : previous message reapeated n times during last 1s.

Load Log configuration from a file

  • YAML, JSON, XML, ?

  • watch a file to detect changes

  • in the standard distribution, or in a "plugin" ?

  • pause dispatching during the reload ;

With Config::Any :

use Config::Any;
use Log::Any;

Config::Any.load-from-file( :name('/path/to/file.conf') ).on-change( -> $config { Log::Any.load-from( $config ) } );

Adapter exporting prefered formatter

An adapter could define a prefered formatter which will be used if no formatter are specified.


Matching all but a list of severities:

filter => [ 'severity' => [ * - 'warning' ] ] # All but 'warning'

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