use Inline::Ruby;
EVAL 'puts "Hello!"', :lang<Ruby>;
say EVAL('Time', :lang<Ruby>).now.to_s;
# Method calling, some simple params, cast to Str
say ~'Time';
say ~'[2, 6, 8, 4]':rb.sort.slice(1,2);
# More advanced, this is Ruby's map and each_with_index
# This shows the :rb postfix-operator sugar instead of EVAL
.map(-> $n { +$n + 1 })
.each_with_index: -> $n, $i { say "$n @ $i" }
# Import and wrap ruby classes
use csv:from<Ruby>;
CSV.foreach: 'examples/hiya.csv', -> $row {
say " Raw row: {$row.gist}";
say "Name field: $row[1]";
Module for executing Ruby code and accessing Ruby libraries from Perl 6.
In theory you can get it from zef. Let me know if that's true :)
I'm running Ubuntu with ruby2.3-dev installed from apt. Then:
./configure.pl6 # Creates Makefile and runs make
make test # or prove -e 'perl6 -Ilib' -v
This only barely works!
Lots of missing features
Sometimes segfaults!
Only tested on my machine!
You can currently EVAL code
Some return types converted to Perl 6 values:
Objects are wrapped in an RbObject
You can call basic methods!
Some param types converted to Ruby values:
More examples:
# Use the :rb postfix to eval a string
# In a string context, .to_s is called in ruby
# In perl6, .gist is called during printing, which wraps native-ruby values
# in «...»:rb. So when you see that, you know you are looking at a wrapped
# native Ruby object
say '5':rb; #=> «5»:rb
# If you do some basic math (+,-,*,/), they will auto-convert
say '5':rb + 2 #=> «7»:rb
# Do it the other way around and you'll get Perl6 values instead
say 2 + '5':rb #=> 7
# Experimental native 'use'. Tries to import things
use csv:from<Ruby>;
my $data ='examples/hiya.csv')
#=> «[["id", "name"], ["1", "andy"], ["2", "bella"], ["3", "chad"], ["4", "dua"]]»:rb
# That gets importing wrong sometimes, so you can do it more directly
# Here we'll slurp the file in Perl6, feeding the resulting string to Ruby JSON
BEGIN { ruby_require 'json', :import<JSON> };
my $data = JSON.parse("examples/slide-up.json".IO.slurp);
#=> «[{"type"=>"ClutterGroup", "id"=>"actor", ... }]»:rb
# Now $data contains a ruby Array with nested hashes, wrapped in a P6 proxy
# object. You can call methods and some operators, such as []. Note that ruby
# uses [] and not {} for hash access! But we alias {} so you can still use it.
say $data.length #=> «2»:rb
say $data[0]["type"] #=> «ClutterGroup»:rb
say $data[0]<type> #=> «ClutterGroup»:rb
# The value there is still a RbObject (proxy object). You can force Str or
# Num context
say $data[0]<children>[1]<depth> #=> «20.0»:rb
say ~$data[0]<children>[1]<depth> #=> 20.0
# Can call methods with blocks!
"[1,2,3]" -> $n { 1 + $n } #=> «2, 3, 4»:rb
use csv:from<Ruby>;
CSV.foreach: 'customers.csv', -> $row {
say $row[2];
NOTES/TODO - Brainstorming and such.
Nice reference
A big trick is deciding when and how much to auto-convert between langs
It's nice to leave things in Ruby if they start there, so we don't have to copy it all over
Final values are nice to have as native Perl 6
Maybe we should only explicit-convert
Mmm... maybe there should be two layers of .to_p6
One would do simple types -- strings, numbers
Second would do complex types -- Array, Hash
The simple would be called implicitly, the second explicit
Write up Lang Integration Guide
Separate out reusable roles
The Artistic License 2.0 -- See LICENSE file.
Brock Wilcox [email protected] Some code from Stefan Seifert [email protected]