
Color/Style text for IRC, and convert ANSI color from terminals into IRC coloring


A plugin to style and color text for IRC. It can also convert the ANSIColor text and style from your terminal to IRC Text and style.

sub ircstyle

sub ircstyle(
    Str() $text,
) returns Mu

a shortened function. Like irc-style-text but you can use shorter versions like C<ircstyle('text', :bold, :green)

sub irc-style-text

sub irc-style-text(
    Str() $text is copy,
    :$style = 0,
    :$color = 0,
    :$bgcolor = 0
) returns Str

styles and colors text. returns a copy. Colors allowed: white, blue, green, red, brown, purple, orange, yellow, light_green, teal, light_cyan, light_blue, pink, grey, light_grey.

sub ansi-to-irc

sub ansi-to-irc(
    Str() $text is copy
) returns Str

Convert ANSI style/colored text from your terminal output to IRC styled/colored text. Supports both foreground and background color, as well as italic, underline and bold.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.