Geo::Region::Enum - Enumerations for UN M.49 and CLDR region codes
This document describes Geo::Region::Enum for Perl 6, built with Unicode CLDR v26.
use Geo::Region::Enum;
Region::LatinAmerica # '419'
Region::EuropeanUnion # 'EU'
Country::Japan # 'JP'
Exportable constants for region and country codes, designed for use with Geo::Region but available for standalone use as well.
The UN M.49 region codes plus CLDR extensions EU and QO.
World 001 • Africa 002 ◦ EasternAfrica 014 ◦ MiddleAfrica 017 ◦ NorthernAfrica 015 ◦ SouthernAfrica 018 ◦ WesternAfrica 011 • Americas 019 ◦ Caribbean 029 ◦ CentralAmerica 013 ◦ LatinAmerica 419 ◦ NorthAmerica 003 ◦ NorthernAmerica 021 ◦ SouthAmerica 005 • Asia 142 ◦ CentralAsia 143 ◦ EasternAsia 030 ◦ SoutheastAsia 035 ◦ SouthernAsia 034 ◦ WesternAsia 145 • Europe 150 ◦ EasternEurope 151 ◦ EuropeanUnion EU ◦ NorthernEurope 154 ◦ SouthernEurope 039 ◦ WesternEurope 155 • Oceania 009 ◦ Australasia 053 ◦ Melanesia 054 ◦ MicronesianRegion 057 ◦ OutlyingOceania QO ◦ Polynesia 061
The 249 officially assigned ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes.
Afghanistan AF ÅlandIslands AX Albania AL Algeria DZ AmericanSamoa AS Andorra AD Angola AO Anguilla AI Antarctica AQ AntiguaBarbuda AG Argentina AR Armenia AM Aruba AW Australia AU Austria AT Azerbaijan AZ Bahamas BS Bahrain BH Bangladesh BD Barbados BB Belarus BY Belgium BE Belize BZ Benin BJ Bermuda BM Bhutan BT Bolivia BO Bosnia BA Botswana BW BouvetIsland BV Brazil BR BritishIndianOceanTerritory IO BritishVirginIslands VG Brunei BN Bulgaria BG BurkinaFaso BF Burundi BI Cambodia KH Cameroon CM Canada CA CapeVerde CV CaribbeanNetherlands BQ CaymanIslands KY CentralAfricanRepublic CF Chad TD Chile CL China CN ChristmasIsland CX CocosIslands CC Colombia CO Comoros KM CongoDRC CD CongoRepublic CG CookIslands CK CostaRica CR Croatia HR Cuba CU Curaçao CW Cyprus CY CzechRepublic CZ Denmark DK Djibouti DJ Dominica DM DominicanRepublic DO EastTimor TL Ecuador EC Egypt EG ElSalvador SV EquatorialGuinea GQ Eritrea ER Estonia EE Ethiopia ET FalklandIslands FK FaroeIslands FO Fiji FJ Finland FI France FR FrenchGuiana GF FrenchPolynesia PF FrenchSouthernTerritories TF Gabon GA Gambia GM Georgia GE Germany DE Ghana GH Gibraltar GI Greece GR Greenland GL Grenada GD Guadeloupe GP Guam GU Guatemala GT Guernsey GG Guinea GN GuineaBissau GW Guyana GY Haiti HT HeardMcDonaldIslands HM Honduras HN HongKong HK Hungary HU Iceland IS India IN Indonesia ID Iran IR Iraq IQ Ireland IE IsleofMan IM Israel IL Italy IT IvoryCoast CI Jamaica JM Japan JP Jersey JE Jordan JO Kazakhstan KZ Kenya KE Kiribati KI Kuwait KW Kyrgyzstan KG Laos LA Latvia LV Lebanon LB Lesotho LS Liberia LR Libya LY Liechtenstein LI Lithuania LT Luxembourg LU Macau MO Macedonia MK Madagascar MG Malawi MW Malaysia MY Maldives MV Mali ML Malta MT MarshallIslands MH Martinique MQ Mauritania MR Mauritius MU Mayotte YT Mexico MX Micronesia FM Moldova MD Monaco MC Mongolia MN Montenegro ME Montserrat MS Morocco MA Mozambique MZ Myanmar MM Namibia NA Nauru NR Nepal NP Netherlands NL NewCaledonia NC NewZealand NZ Nicaragua NI Niger NE Nigeria NG Niue NU NorfolkIsland NF NorthernMarianaIslands MP NorthKorea KP Norway NO Oman OM Pakistan PK Palau PW Palestine PS Panama PA PapuaNewGuinea PG Paraguay PY Peru PE Philippines PH PitcairnIslands PN Poland PL Portugal PT PuertoRico PR Qatar QA Réunion RE Romania RO Russia RU Rwanda RW Samoa WS SanMarino SM SãoToméPríncipe ST SaudiArabia SA Senegal SN Serbia RS Seychelles SC SierraLeone SL Singapore SG SintMaarten SX Slovakia SK Slovenia SI SolomonIslands SB Somalia SO SouthAfrica ZA SouthGeorgiaSouthSandwichIslands GS SouthKorea KR SouthSudan SS Spain ES SriLanka LK StBarthélemy BL StHelena SH StKittsNevis KN StLucia LC StMartin MF StPierreMiquelon PM StVincentGrenadines VC Sudan SD Suriname SR SvalbardJanMayen SJ Swaziland SZ Sweden SE Switzerland CH Syria SY Taiwan TW Tajikistan TJ Tanzania TZ Thailand TH Togo TG Tokelau TK Tonga TO TrinidadTobago TT Tunisia TN Turkey TR Turkmenistan TM TurksCaicosIslands TC Tuvalu TV Uganda UG Ukraine UA UnitedArabEmirates AE UnitedKingdom GB UnitedStates US Uruguay UY USOutlyingIslands UM USVirginIslands VI Uzbekistan UZ Vanuatu VU VaticanCity VA Venezuela VE Vietnam VN WallisFutuna WF WesternSahara EH Yemen YE Zambia ZM Zimbabwe ZW
Geo::Region — Geographical regions and groupings using UN M.49 and CLDR data
United Nations: UN M.49 Standard Country, Area, & Region Codes
Geo::Region::Constant for Perl 5
Nick Patch <[email protected]>
© 2014 Nick Patch
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 6 itself.