Font::QueryInfo ā Queries information about fonts, including name, style, family, foundry, and the character set the font covers.
Easy to use routines query information about the font and return it in a hash. The keys are the names of the properties and the values are the property values.
These are the properties that are available:
family String Font family names
familylang String Languages corresponding to each family
style String Font style. Overrides weight and slant
stylelang String Languages corresponding to each style
fullname String Font full names (often includes style)
fullnamelang String Languages corresponding to each fullname
slant Int Italic, oblique or roman
weight Int Light, medium, demibold, bold or black
size Double Point size
width Int Condensed, normal or expanded
aspect Double Stretches glyphs horizontally before hinting
pixelsize Double Pixel size
spacing Int Proportional, dual-width, monospace or charcell
foundry String Font foundry name
antialias Bool Whether glyphs can be antialiased
hinting Bool Whether the rasterizer should use hinting
hintstyle Int Automatic hinting style
verticallayout Bool Use vertical layout
autohint Bool Use autohinter instead of normal hinter
globaladvance Bool Use font global advance data (deprecated)
file String The filename holding the font
index Int The index of the font within the file
ftface FT_Face Use the specified FreeType face object
rasterizer String Which rasterizer is in use (deprecated)
outline Bool Whether the glyphs are outlines
scalable Bool Whether glyphs can be scaled
scale Double Scale factor for point->pixel conversions
dpi Double Target dots per inch
rgba Int unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr, none - subpixel geometry
lcdfilter Int Type of LCD filter
minspace Bool Eliminate leading from line spacing
charset CharSet Unicode chars encoded by the font
lang String List of RFC-3066-style languages this font supports
fontversion Int Version number of the font
capability String List of layout capabilities in the font
embolden Bool Rasterizer should synthetically embolden the font
fontfeatures String List of the feature tags in OpenType to be enabled
prgname String String Name of the running program
Strings return Str, Bool returns Bool's, Int returns Int's, Double's listed above return Rat's. CharSet returns a List of Range objects. The rest all return Str. The exception to this is lang, which returns a set of languages the font supports.
If the property is not defined, it will return a type object of the type which would normally be returned.
Note: FreeType v2.11.91 or greater is required for the charset
sub font-query-all
sub font-query-all(
IO::Path:D $file,
Bool:D :$suppress-errors = Bool::False,
Bool:D :$no-fatal = Bool::False
) returns Mu
Queries all of the font's properties. If supplied properties it will query all properties except for the ones given.
sub font-query-all
sub font-query-all(
Str:D $file,
Bool:D :$suppress-errors = Bool::False,
Bool:D :$no-fatal = Bool::False
) returns Mu
Queries all of the font's properties and accepts a Str for the filename instead of an IO::Path
sub font-query
sub font-query(
IO::Path:D $file,
Bool:D :$suppress-errors = Bool::False,
Bool:D :$no-fatal = Bool::False
) returns Mu
Queries the font for the specified list of properties. Use :suppress-errors to hide all errors and never die or warn (totally silent). Use :no-fatal to warn instead of dying. Accepts an IO::Path object.
sub font-query
sub font-query(
Str:D $file,
Bool:D :$suppress-errors = Bool::False,
Bool:D :$no-fatal = Bool::False
) returns Mu
Accepts an string of the font's path.
Samantha McVey [email protected]
Copyright 2017 Samantha McVey
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.