Finance::GDAX::API::Account - Work with GDAX Accounts
use Finance::GDAX::API::Account;
$account = Finance::GDAX::API::Account->new(
key => 'wowihefoiwhoihw',
secret => 'woihoip2hf23908hf32hf2h',
passphrase => 'woiefhvbno3iurbnv9p4h49h');
# List all accounts
@accounts = $account.get-all;
if ($account.error) {
die 'There was an error ' ~ $account.error;
for @accounts -> $a {
print $a<currency> ~ " = " ~ $a<balance>;
# List a single account
$info = $account.get( id = "wiejfwef-237897-wefhwe-wef");
say 'Balance is ' ~ $info<balance> ~ $info<currency>;
Creates a GDAX account object to examine accounts.
See Finance::GDAX::API for details on API key requirements that need to be passed in.
The HTTP response code can be accessed via the "response-code" attribute, and if the request resulted in a response code greater than or equal to 400, then the "error" attribute will be set to the error message returned by the GDAX servers.
Returns an array of hashes, with each hash representing account details. According to the GDAX API, currently these hashes will contain the following keys and data:
The following represents the data structure from their current API docs:
"id": "71452118-efc7-4cc4-8780-a5e22d4baa53",
"currency": "BTC",
"balance": "0.0000000000000000",
"available": "0.0000000000000000",
"hold": "0.0000000000000000",
"profile_id": "75da88c5-05bf-4f54-bc85-5c775bd68254"
"id": "e316cb9a-0808-4fd7-8914-97829c1925de",
"currency": "USD",
"balance": "80.2301373066930000",
"available": "79.2266348066930000",
"hold": "1.0035025000000000",
"profile_id": "75da88c5-05bf-4f54-bc85-5c775bd68254"
id Account ID
balance total funds in the account
holds funds on hold (not available for use)
available funds available to withdraw* or trade
margin_enabled [margin] true if the account belongs to margin profile
funded_amount [margin] amount of outstanding funds currently credited to
the account
default_amount [margin] amount defaulted on due to not being able to pay
back funding
However, this does not appear to be exactly what they are sending now.
get (:$id)
The get method requires an account id and returns a hash of the account information. Currently the GDAX API docs say they are:
The following represents the data structure from their current API docs:
"id": "a1b2c3d4",
"balance": "1.100",
"holds": "0.100",
"available": "1.00",
"currency": "USD"
id Account ID
balance total funds in the account
holds funds on hold (not available for use)
available funds available to withdraw* or trade
margin_enabled [margin] true if the account belongs to margin profile
funded_amount [margin] amount of outstanding funds currently credited to
the account
default_amount [margin] amount defaulted on due to not being able to pay
back funding
history (:$id)
The history method returns an array of hashes representing the history of transactions on the specified account_id.
The limit is 100 transactions - no paging has been implemented in this API, through the GDAX API does support paging apparently.
The following represents the data structure from their current API docs:
"id": "100",
"created_at": "2014-11-07T08:19:27.028459Z",
"amount": "0.001",
"balance": "239.669",
"type": "fee",
"details": {
"order_id": "d50ec984-77a8-460a-b958-66f114b0de9b",
"trade_id": "74",
"product_id": "BTC-USD"
In the case of transfers, the dtail may look like this:
details => {
transfer_id => "d50ec984-77a8-460a-b958-66f114b0de9b",
transfer_type => "deposit",
With different "type"'s meaning different "details" -- and those types are:
transfer Funds moved to/from Coinbase to GDAX
match Funds moved as a result of a trade
fee Fee as a result of a trade
rebate Fee rebate as per our fee schedule
holds (:$id)
The holds method returns an array of hashes representing the holds placed on the $account_id account, which happen due to active orders or pending withdrawls.
The following represents the data structure from their current API docs:
"id": "82dcd140-c3c7-4507-8de4-2c529cd1a28f",
"account_id": "e0b3f39a-183d-453e-b754-0c13e5bab0b3",
"created_at": "2014-11-06T10:34:47.123456Z",
"updated_at": "2014-11-06T10:40:47.123456Z",
"amount": "4.23",
"type": "order",
"ref": "0a205de4-dd35-4370-a285-fe8fc375a273",
Mark Rushing <[email protected]>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Home Grown Systems, SPC.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.