
Random numbers and bytes mimicking arc4random().


use Crypt::Random;

# Random positive Int, defaulting to 32-bit
my Int $foo = crypt_random();
my Int $foo64 = crypt_random(Int(64/8));

# Random Int between 0 and $upper_bound (exclusive)
my Int $bar = crypt_random_uniform($upper_bound);
my Int $bar128 = crypt_random_uniform($upper_bound, Int(128/8));

# Buf of $len random bytes
my Buf $baz = crypt_random_buf($len);


Additional useful functions built upon the above primitives.

use Crypt::Random::Extra;

my Str $uuid = crypt_random_UUIDv4();

my Int $prime = crypt_random_prime()
my Int $prime2048 = crypt_random_prime(Int(2048/8));

# Random sampling of $set, which can be a Blob or List
my Array @sample = crypt_random_sample($set, $count);

Entropy Sources

Random bytes are drawn from /dev/urandom on Unix-like systems, and CryptGenRandom() on Windows.

Copyright & License

Copyright 2016 Shawn Kinkade.

This module may be used under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.