Chapter 5: Functions
Functions are independent chunks of program code. Calling or invoking a function causes its code to run. A function has zero or more parameters, which are bound to arguments from a call expression. If the function body finishes normally, a value may be returned from the function; this value then becomes the value of the call expression that invoked the function.
5.1 Function calls
Call expressions were described in section 2.8 "Call expressions"; syntactically, a call expression consists of a callable expression followed by a (parentheses-enclosed) list of operands, which are also expressions. At the time of evaluating the call expression, the following steps happen:
The callable expression is fully evaluated into a value.
This value is confirmed to be a function, or more precisely a value which implements the invocation protocol; if not, then an exception is signaled at runtime and evaluation stops.
All of the operands are evaluated, left-to-right, into values called arguments.
method of the invocation protocol is invoked, with an array of the arguments.Parameter binding happens, explained in the next section. If successful, this results in an extended environment.
The function's body is run. This is explained in section 5.3 "Function body".
Eventually, control might return normally, in which case a value is returned. This value is then the value of entire call expression. This is explained in section 5.4 "Returning from a function".
This describes a "call-by-value" convention, in which only values are passed from call sites to functions; that is, the operand expressions are entirely evaluated at the call site, and then the resulting values are passed.
Operator expressions, although syntactically different, can be seen as syntactic sugar for the above call expressions. This is true both for built-in operators and user-defined ones.
Both in the case of call expressions and in the case of operator expressions, if the callable expression (statically) resolves to a macro, then macro expansion instead takes place at compile time. For more on macro expansion, see Chapter 12: Macros.
5.2 Optional parameters
xxx @optional
xxx ?
5.3 Parameter defaults
xxx @default(expr)
xxx =
5.4 Rest parameter
xxx @rest
xxx ...
5.5 Named parameter
xxx @named
5.6 Named rest parameter
xxx it's a combination of @named
and @rest
(in any order)
xxx or @named
and ...
5.8 Parameter binding
After the arguments are passed to a function for invocation, and before we can run the function body, an environment for running the function body needs to be prepared. This happens in two steps: making sure that there is an argument for each required parameter and a parameter for each passed argument, and binding the parameters in the new environment.
Assert that at least as many positional arguments have been passed as there are required positional parameters. If not, signal an exception.
Assert that if more positional arguments were passed than positional arguments (required and optional both), there's a positional rest parameter present. If not, signal an exception.
Assert that the set of names of named arguments is non-strictly contained by the set of names of required named parameters. If not, signal an exception.
Assert that if the set of names of named arguments contains a name not contained in the set of names of named arguments (required and optional both), there's a named rest parameter present. If not, signal an exception.
At this point, we know that parameter binding won't fail because not enough arguments were passed for the required parameters, or too many arguments were passed that rest parameters weren't present to absorb.
For each required positional parameter, bind it to the corresponding positional argument (of which we just checked there are enough).
For each optional positional parameter, bind it (in decreasing order of preference) to the corresponding positional argument, the value resulting from evaluating the corresponding parameter default expression, or
.Make an array of any remaining positional arguments, and bind the positional rest parameter (which at this point must exist) to it.
For each required named parameter, bind it to the corresponding named argument (which we just asserted exists).
For each optional named parameter, bind it (in decreasing order of preference) to the corresponding named argument, the value resulting from evaluating the corresponding parameter default expression, or
.Make a dictionary of any remaining named arguments, keys being the names and values being the named arguments, and bind the named rest parameter (which at this point must exist) to it.
The resulting environment is the one that will be used when running the function body.