

Algorithm::Genetic - A basic genetic algorithm implementation for Perl6!

Use the Algorithm::Genetic distribution to implement your own evolutionary searches.

This library was written primarily for learning so there likely are some rough edges. Feel to report any issues and contributions are welcome!


use Algorithm::Genetic;
use Algorithm::Genetic::Genotype;
use Algorithm::Genetic::Selection::Roulette;

my $target = 42;

# First implement the is-finished method for our specific application.
# Note that we compose in our selection behaviour of the Roulette role.
class FindMeaning does Algorithm::Genetic does Algorithm::Genetic::Selection::Roulette {
  has int $.target;
  method is-finished() returns Bool {
    #say "Gen{ self.generation } - pop. size: { @!population.elems }";
    self.population.tail[0].result == $!target;

# Create our Genotype
class Equation does Algorithm::Genetic::Genotype {
  our $eq-target = $target;
  our @options = 1, 9;

  # Note that we use the custom is mutable trait to provide a routine to mutate our attribute.
  has Int $.a is mutable( -> $v { (-1, 1).pick + $v } ) = @options.pick;
  has Int $.b is mutable( -> $v { (-1, 1).pick + $v } ) = @options.pick;

  method result() { $!a * $!b }

  # A scoring method is required for our genotype :)
  method !calc-score() returns Numeric {
    (self.result() - $eq-target) ** 2

# Instantiate our search
my FindMeaning $ga .= new(

# Go!
$ga.evolve(:generations(1000), :size(16));

say "stopped at generation { $ga.generation } with result: { .a } x { .b } = { .result } and a score of { .score }" given $ga.population.tail[0];


Algorithm::Genetic distribution currently provides the following classes:

  • Algorithm::Genetic

  • Algorithm::Genetic::Crossoverable

  • Algorithm::Genetic::Genotype

  • Algorithm::Genetic::Selection

  • Algorithm::Genetic::Selection::Roulette


Sam Gillespie <[email protected]>


Copyright 2016 Sam Gillespie

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.



Algorithm::Genetic - A role for genetic algorithms.

unit role Algorithm::Genetic does Algorithm::Genetic::Selection


method new(
Int:D                         :$population-size       = 100,
Rat:D                         :$crossover-probability = 7/10,
Rat:D                         :$mutation-probability  = 1/100,
Algorithm::Genetic::Genotype  :$genotype is required

Probability values are expected to be between 0 and 1.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.