



Acme::Skynet provides the Intent class. This acts as a router of string commands to function calls.


Currently, all subroutines routed to must take a list as the argument, even if the subroutine will not use it.


use v6;
    use Acme::Skynet;
    my $robotOverlord =;
my $time = sub (@args) {
        my $time =;
        say sprintf "It is currently %d:%02d", $time.hour, $time.minute;
# Route commands to actions.
    $robotOverlord.addKnowledge("what time is it", $time);
    $robotOverlord.addKnowledge("current time", $time);
    $robotOverlord.addKnowledge("time please", $time);
my $stab = sub (@args) {
        say "Stabbed @args[0]";
# Basic support for commands with arguments
    $robotOverlord.addKnowledge("stab john -> john", $stab);
    $robotOverlord.addKnowledge("stab mike -> mike", $stab);
    $robotOverlord.addKnowledge("stuart deserves to be stabbed -> stuart", $stab);
    $robotOverlord.addKnowledge("stuart should get stabbed -> stuart", $stab);
my $reminders = sub (@args) {
      say "Will remind you to '" ~ @args[1] ~ "' at '" ~ @args[0] ~ "'";
$robotOverlord.addKnowledge("remind me at 7 to strech -> 7, strech", $reminders);
    $robotOverlord.addKnowledge("at 6 pm remind me to shower -> 6 pm, shower", $reminders);
    $robotOverlord.addKnowledge("remind me to run at the robot apocalypse -> the robot apocalypse, run", $reminders);
# Perform some training and learning
# Provide some input
    $robotOverlord.hears("stab miles"); # Expected output: "Stabbed carlos"
    $robotOverlord.hears("what is the time"); # Expected output: the time
    $robotOverlord.hears("please remind me to hide at the zombie apobalypse");
    $robotOverlord.hears("please remind me at the zombie apobalypse to hide");

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.