

API::Discord::JSONy - Role for objects that can be serialised to JSON

API::Discord::RESTy - Role for objects that can be sent/received over REST

API::Discord::HTTPResource - Role for objects that can be CRUD'd


This file defines the three roles listed above. They are all related to one another but not necessarily all required at once.


This role defines the methods from-json and to-json that must be implemented by the consuming class. Anything using this role can be sent to or produced by RESTy.


This role defines send, fetch, and remove, and is parameterised with a base URL. It abstracts over the top of an HTTP client, so requires get, post, put, and delete methods.

It is intended to be applied to Cro::HTTP::Client, so the aforementioned methods should match those.


Represents an object that can be discovered via some HTTP mechanism. The consuming class is expected to have a hash called %.ENDPOINTS, the purpose of which is to provide a set of URL path templates that can be filled in by the object being dealt with.

Endpoint handling is not yet fully implemented.

A gap in this process is that it does mean that in order to fetch an existing object by ID, it is necessary to create an empty object containing that ID, and then replace it with the response from read, which will be a new object, fully-populated.

Since all of the methods communicate via a RESTy object, it is currently necessary that the class consuming HTTPResource also consumes JSONy.

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