API::Discord::Guild - Colloquially known as a server
Defines a guild, or server, slightly adapting the JSON object defined in the documentation at
Guilds are usually created by the websocket layer, as a result of the bot user being added to the guild. However, the Discord documentation does allow for guilds to be fetched or created via the API in some circumstances. Knowing whether or not you can do this is up to the user; you can always try.
JSON fields
See API::Discord::Object for JSON fields discussion
< id name icon splash is-owner owner-id permissions region afk-channel-id
afk-channel-timeout is-embeddable embed-channel-id verification-level
default-notification-level content-filter-level mfa-level-required
application-id is-widget-enabled widget-channel-id system-channel-id joined-at
is-large is-unavailable member-count >
Object properties
See API::Discord::Object for Object properties discussion
< roles emojis features voice-states members channels presences >