Random Guess
Nelo Onyiah
For this event youâll be creating a game. Okay, maybe not the most interesting game youâve even seen (hey, this is the Beginnerâs Division after all), but a game nonetheless. In this game, your script will generate a random number between 1 and 50, and the user will be required to guess that number.
For Windows PowerShell and Perl this will be a standard command-line script. The script will display a message asking the user to enter a number between 1 and 50. The script will compare the number supplied by the user to a randomly-generated number. If the numbers donât match, the script will display a message indicating whether the guess was too high or too low and ask them to guess again.
When the user guesses correctly, the script will display the random number and the number of guesses it took to reach the correct number. At that point the game is over, so the script will end.
use v6;
our $number = (1..50).pick(1);
our $guesses = 0;
sub is_valid($guess) {
unless $guess ~~ /^ \d+ $/ && 1 <= $guess <= 50 {
warn "Invalid input ($guess).";
return $guess;
sub MAIN() {
loop {
my $guess = prompt "Enter a number between 1 and 50: ";
next unless is_valid $guess;
if $guess == $number {
say "Got it in $guesses guess(es)!";
elsif $guess > $number { say 'Too high' }
elsif $guess < $number { say 'Too low' }
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