Weighted roll


Eric Hodges


From http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=731443

This is part of a strategy game. There are a number of ships in combat, and you must determine which order they get to take their actions.

  • Each ship has an initiative value.

  • At the start of the turn, each ship gets a number of ballots equal to their initiative. The ballots are drawn out randomly. The first time a ship's ballot gets drawn, it takes its turn. The rest of its ballots are wasted.

Worked example:

  • 3 ships <A B C> with initiative (1,2,4).

  • We put ballots into an array: <A B B C C C C>

  • We draw a ballot out at random: C. C takes its turn.

  • We draw another ballot: C. do nothing.

  • We draw another ballot: C. do nothing.

  • We draw another ballot: B. B takes its turn.

  • We draw another ballot: B. do nothing.

  • We draw another ballot: A. A takes its turn.

  • We draw the last ballot: C. do nothing.

  • So the final order is: <C B A>

This is not necessarily the most efficient way to perform the algorithm.

Useful things to note:

  • to generate a random number from 1 to N, use (1..N).pick

  • to generate a random number from 0 to N-1, use (0..^N).pick

use v6;

our $SHIPS = 4;
our $REPS  = 30;

my @weights = (1..16).pick($SHIPS, :replace);
for @weights.kv -> $k, $v { say "$k: $v" }

my $total = [+] @weights;
say "Total Weights $total";

sub pick(@weights, $total) {
   my $rand = (0..^$total).pick;
   for @weights.kv -> $i, $w {
       $rand -= $w;
       return $i if $rand < 0;

sub pickAll(@weights is copy, $total is copy) {
   my @order;
   for @weights {
        my $pick = pick(@weights, $total);
        $total -= @weights[$pick];
        @weights[$pick] = 0;
   return @order;

say ~pickAll(@weights,$total) for 1 .. $REPS;

# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=perl6

See Also




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