Weighted roll
Eric Hodges
From http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=731443
This is part of a strategy game. There are a number of ships in combat, and you must determine which order they get to take their actions.
Each ship has an initiative value.
At the start of the turn, each ship gets a number of ballots equal to their initiative. The ballots are drawn out randomly. The first time a ship's ballot gets drawn, it takes its turn. The rest of its ballots are wasted.
Worked example:
3 ships <A B C> with initiative (1,2,4).
We put ballots into an array: <A B B C C C C>
We draw a ballot out at random: C. C takes its turn.
We draw another ballot: C. do nothing.
We draw another ballot: C. do nothing.
We draw another ballot: B. B takes its turn.
We draw another ballot: B. do nothing.
We draw another ballot: A. A takes its turn.
We draw the last ballot: C. do nothing.
So the final order is: <C B A>
This is not necessarily the most efficient way to perform the algorithm.
Useful things to note:
to generate a random number from 1 to N, use
to generate a random number from 0 to N-1, use
use v6;
our $SHIPS = 4;
our $REPS = 30;
my @weights = (1..16).pick($SHIPS, :replace);
for @weights.kv -> $k, $v { say "$k: $v" }
my $total = [+] @weights;
say "Total Weights $total";
sub pick(@weights, $total) {
my $rand = (0..^$total).pick;
for @weights.kv -> $i, $w {
$rand -= $w;
return $i if $rand < 0;
sub pickAll(@weights is copy, $total is copy) {
my @order;
for @weights {
my $pick = pick(@weights, $total);
$total -= @weights[$pick];
@weights[$pick] = 0;
return @order;
say ~pickAll(@weights,$total) for 1 .. $REPS;
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