Simple strings
Aaron Sherman
A trivial parser that handles quoted strings with backslash-escaped quotes and either single or double quotes used to delimit.
use v6;
grammar String::Simple::Grammar {
rule TOP {^ <string> $}
# Note for now, {} gets around a rakudo binding issue
token string { <quote> {} <quotebody($<quote>)> $<quote> }
token quote { '"' | "'" }
token quotebody($quote) { ( <escaped($quote)> | <!before $quote> . )* }
token escaped($quote) { '\\' ( $quote | '\\' ) }
# The parse-tree builder ultimately returns the string itself.
class String::Simple::Actions {
method TOP($/) { make $<string>.made }
method string($/) { make $<quotebody>.made }
method quotebody($/) { make [~] $ {.<escaped>.made or ~$_} }
method escaped($/) { make ~$0 }
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