Unique module names with the Fletcher-16 hash
Daniel Carrera
A sketch program to compute unique file names for Perl modules based on the Fletcher-16 hash.
License: Public Domain
Example: Foo::Bar-auth:92de-ver:1.2.0--0
The module name (Foo::Bar) is URL-encoded. After that, we add all metadata sorted by key. Version numbers are left intact. Other metadata is hashed with Fletcher-16.
Lastly, a counter is added at the end. If two different modules get the exact same name (extremely unlikely) we use a counter to distinguish them.
use v6;
my @modules = (
{name => "Foo::Bar", meta => {auth=>'mailto:[email protected]', ver=>'1.2.0'}},
{name => "Foo::å", meta => {auth=>'mailto:[email protected]', ver=>'2.1.3'}}
say filename(@modules[0]<name>,@modules[0]<meta>);
say filename(@modules[1]<name>,@modules[1]<meta>);
sub filename($module,%meta) {
my $filename = strencode($module);
for %meta.sort {
my $v = .value ~~ m/[\D & <-[.]>]/ ?? fletcher16(.value) !! .value;
$filename ~= "-" ~ .key ~ ":$v";
return $filename ~ "--0";
sub strencode($str) {
return $str.subst(/(<-alpha -[:]>)/,{ charencode($0) },:g);
sub charencode($char) {
my ($url,$hex) = ('',$char.fmt("%02x"));
while $hex.chars {
$url ~= '%' ~ $hex.substr(0,2);
$hex = $hex.substr(2);
return $url;
sub fletcher16($str) {
my ($A,$B) = (0,0);
for map { .ord }, $str.comb -> $val {
if $val > 255 {
$A = ($A + $val div 255) % 255;
$B = ($B + $A) % 255;
$A = ($A + $val % 255) % 255;
$B = ($B + $A) % 255;
return ($A*256 + $B).fmt("%04x");
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