enum Endian

Indicate endianness (6.d, 2018.12 and later)
enum Endian <NativeEndian LittleEndian BigEndian>;

An enum for indicating endianness, specifically with methods on blob8 and buf8. Consists of NativeEndian, LittleEndian and BigEndian.


routine Numeric

multi method Numeric(Endian:D --> Int:D)

Returns the value part of the enum pair.

say NativeEndian.Numeric;    # OUTPUT: «0␤»
    say LittleEndian.Numeric;    # OUTPUT: «1␤»
    say BigEndian.Numeric;       # OUTPUT: «2␤»

Note that the actual numeric values are subject to change. So please use the named values instead.

See Also

enum Bool

Logical Boolean

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