role Dateish

Object that can be treated as a date
role Dateish { ... }

Both Date and DateTime support accessing of the year, month and day-of-month represented in the object, as well as related functionality such as calculating the day of the week.


method year

method year(Date:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the year of the date.

say'2015-12-31').year;                                  # OUTPUT: «2015␤»
    say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).year; # OUTPUT: «2015␤»

method month

method month(Date:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the month of the date (1..12).

say'2015-12-31').month;                                  # OUTPUT: «12␤»
    say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).month; # OUTPUT: «12␤»

method day

method day(Date:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the day of the month of the date (1..31).

say'2015-12-31').day;                                  # OUTPUT: «31␤»
    say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).day; # OUTPUT: «24␤»

method formatter

method formatter(Dateish:D:)

Returns the formatting function which is used for conversion to Str. If none was provided at object construction, a default formatter is used. In that case the method will return a Callable type object.

The formatting function is called by DateTime method Str with the invocant as its only argument.

my $dt ='2015-12-31');  # (no formatter specified)
    say $dt.formatter.^name;          # OUTPUT: «Callable␤»
    my $us-format = sub ($self) { sprintf "%02d/%02d/%04d", .month, .day, .year given $self; };
    $dt ='2015-12-31', formatter => $us-format);
    say $dt.formatter.^name;           # OUTPUT: «Sub␤»
    say $dt;                          # OUTPUT: «12/31/2015␤»

method is-leap-year

method is-leap-year(Dateish:D: --> Bool:D)

Returns True if the year of the Dateish object is a leap year.

say<2016>).is-leap-year; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
    say"1900-01-01").is-leap-year;    # OUTPUT: «False␤»

method day-of-month

method day-of-month(Date:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the day of the month of the date (1..31). Synonymous to the day method.

say'2015-12-31').day-of-month;                                  # OUTPUT: «31␤»
    say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).day-of-month; # OUTPUT: «24␤»

method day-of-week

method day-of-week(Date:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the day of the week, where 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday and Sunday is 7.

say'2015-12-31').day-of-week;                                  # OUTPUT: «4␤»
    say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).day-of-week; # OUTPUT: «4␤»

method day-of-year

method day-of-year(Date:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the day of the year (1..366).

say'2015-12-31').day-of-year;                                  # OUTPUT: «365␤»
    say =>'2015-03-24'), hour => 1).day-of-year; # OUTPUT: «83␤»

method days-in-year

method days-in-year(Dateish:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the number of days in the year represented by the Dateish object:

say"2016-01-02").days-in-year;               # OUTPUT: «366␤»
    say<2100>, :month<2>).days-in-year; # OUTPUT: «365␤»

Available as of the 2022.12 release of the Rakudo compiler.

method days-in-month

method days-in-month(Dateish:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the number of days in the month represented by the Dateish object:

say"2016-01-02").days-in-month;                # OUTPUT: «31␤»
    say<10000>, :month<2>).days-in-month; # OUTPUT: «29␤»

method week

method week()

Returns a list of two integers: the year, and the week number. This is because at the start or end of a year, the week may actually belong to the other year.

my ($year, $week) ="2014-12-31").week;
    say $year;                       # OUTPUT: «2015␤»
    say $week;                       # OUTPUT: «1␤»
    say'2015-01-31').week; # OUTPUT: «(2015 5)␤»

method week-number

method week-number(Date:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the week number (1..53) of the date specified by the invocant. The first week of the year is defined by ISO as the one which contains the fourth day of January. Thus, dates early in January often end up in the last week of the prior year, and similarly, the final few days of December may be placed in the first week of the next year.

say"2014-12-31").week-number;   # OUTPUT: «1␤»  (first week of 2015)
    say"2016-01-02").week-number;   # OUTPUT: «53␤» (last week of 2015)

method week-year

method week-year(Date:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the week year of the date specified by the invocant. Normally week-year is equal to Date.year. Note however that dates early in January often end up in the last week of the prior year, and similarly, the final few days of December may be placed in the first week of the next year.

say"2015-11-15").week-year;   # OUTPUT: «2015␤»
    say"2014-12-31").week-year;   # OUTPUT: «2015␤» (date belongs to the first week of 2015)
    say"2016-01-02").week-year;   # OUTPUT: «2015␤» (date belongs to the last week of 2015)

method weekday-of-month

method weekday-of-month(Date:D: --> Int:D)

Returns a number (1..5) indicating the number of times a particular day-of-week has occurred so far during that month, the day itself included.

say"2003-06-09").weekday-of-month;  # OUTPUT: «2␤»  (second Monday of the month)

method yyyy-mm-dd

method yyyy-mm-dd(str $sep = "-" --> Str:D)

Returns the date in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601). The optional positional argument $sep, which defaults to -, is a one-character separator placed between the different parts of the date.

say"2015-11-15").yyyy-mm-dd;   # OUTPUT: «2015-11-15␤»
say; # OUTPUT: «2016-08-10␤»
say"/");          # OUTPUT: «2020/03/14␤»

method mm-dd-yyyy

method mm-dd-yyyy(str $sep = "-" --> Str:D)

Returns the date in MM-DD-YYYY format (ISO 8601). The optional positional argument $sep, which defaults to -, is a one-character separator placed between the different parts of the date.

say"2015-11-15").mm-dd-yyyy;   # OUTPUT: «11-15-2015␤»
say; # OUTPUT: «08-10-2016␤»
say"/");          # OUTPUT: «03/14/2020␤»

method dd-mm-yyyy

method dd-mm-yyyy(str $sep = "-" --> Str:D)

Returns the date in DD-MM-YYYY format (ISO 8601). The optional positional argument $sep, which defaults to -, is a one-character separator placed between the different parts of the date.

say"2015-11-15").dd-mm-yyyy;    # OUTPUT: «15-11-2015␤»
say;  # OUTPUT: «10-08-2016␤»
say"/");           # OUTPUT: «14/03/2020␤»

method daycount

method daycount(Dateish:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the number of days from the epoch Nov. 17, 1858, to the day of the invocant. The daycount returned by this method is the integral part of the Modified Julian Day (MJD) which is used routinely by astronomers, geodesists, scientists, and others. The MJD convention is designed to facilitate simplified chronological calculations. The fractional part of the MJD consists of the hours, minutes, and seconds of the using DateTime object converted to the equivalent fraction of 24 hours. Those two values added define the MJD of that instant.

say'1995-09-27').daycount;    # OUTPUT: «49987␤»

method IO

method IO(Dateish:D: --> IO::Path:D)

Returns an IO::Path object representing the stringified value of the Dateish object:;   # OUTPUT: «"2016-10-03".IO␤»; # OUTPUT: «"2016-10-03T11:14:47.977994-04:00".IO␤»

PORTABILITY NOTE: some operating systems (e.g. Windows) do not permit colons (:) in filenames, which would be present in IO::Path created from a DateTime object.

method earlier

multi method earlier(Dateish:D: *%unit)
    multi method earlier(Dateish:D: @pairs)

Returns an object based on the current one, but with a date delta towards the past applied. Unless the given unit is second or seconds, the given value will be converted to an Int. See .later for usage. It will generally be used through classes that implement this role, Date or DateTime

my $d ='2015-02-27');
    say $d.earlier(month => 5).earlier(:2days);  # OUTPUT: «2014-09-25␤»
    my $d = =>'2015-02-27'));
    say $d.earlier(month => 1).earlier(:2days);  # OUTPUT: «2015-01-25T00:00:00Z␤»

If the resultant time has value 60 for seconds, yet no leap second actually exists for that time, seconds will be set to 59:

say'2008-12-31T23:59:60Z').earlier: :1day;
    # OUTPUT: «2008-12-30T23:59:59Z␤»

Negative offsets are allowed, though later is more idiomatic for that.

If you need to use more than one unit, you will need to build them into a List of Pairs to use the second form of the method:

say'2021-03-31').earlier(  ( year => 3, month => 2, day => 8 ) ); # OUTPUT: «2018-01-23␤»

This feature was introduced in release 2021.02 of the Rakudo compiler.

method later

multi method later(DateTime:D: *%unit)

Returns an object based on the current one (belonging to any class that mixes this role in), but with a time delta applied. The time delta can be passed as a named argument where the argument name is the unit.

Unless the given unit is second or seconds, the given value will be converted to an Int.

Allowed units are second, seconds, minute, minutes, hour, hours, day, days, week, weeks, month, months, year, years. Please note that the plural forms can only be used with the later and earlier methods.

The :2nd form of colonpairs can be used as a compact and self-documenting way of specifying the delta:

    # OUTPUT: «2017-12-24T12:23:00Z␤»

Since addition of several different time units is not commutative, only one unit may be passed (and the first multi will be used).

my $d = =>'2015-02-27'));
    say $d.later(month => 1).later(:2days);  # OUTPUT: «2015-03-29T00:00:00Z␤»
    say $d.later(days => 2).later(:1month);  # OUTPUT: «2015-04-01T00:00:00Z␤»
    say $d.later(days => 2).later(:month);   # same, as +True === 1

You can also (since release 2021.02 of the Rakudo compiler) pass several units at the same time, but you will have to join them in a List to activate the second form:

say =>'2015-02-27')).later( (:1month, :2days) )
# OUTPUT: «2015-03-29T00:00:00Z␤»

If the resultant time has value 60 for seconds, yet no leap second actually exists for that time, seconds will be set to 59:

say'2008-12-31T23:59:60Z').later: :1day;
    # OUTPUT: «2009-01-01T23:59:59Z␤»

Negative offsets are allowed, though earlier is more idiomatic for that.

Objects of type Date will behave in the same way:

my $d ='2015-02-27');
say $d.later(month => 1).later(:2days);  # OUTPUT: «2015-03-29␤»
say $d.later(days => 2).later(:1month);  # OUTPUT: «2015-04-01␤»
say $d.later(days => 2).later(:month);   # same, as +True === 1

See Also

role Callable

Invocable code object

role Distribution


role Encoding

Support for character encodings.

role PredictiveIterator

Iterators that can predict number of values

class RakuAST::Doc::DeclaratorTarget

Provide leading/trailing doc functionality

role Rational

Number stored as numerator and denominator

role Real

Non-complex number

role Stringy

String or object that can act as a string

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.