Running Raku

How to run Rakudo, a Raku implementation, and the command line options you can use with it.


raku - Rakudo Raku Compiler


raku [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]


With no arguments, it enters a REPL. With a [programfile] or the -e option, compiles the given program and by default also executes the compiled code.

  -                    read program source from STDIN or start REPL if a TTY
  -c                   check syntax only (runs BEGIN and CHECK blocks)
  --doc                extract documentation and print it as text
  -e program           one line of program, strict is enabled by default
  -h, --help           display this help text
  -n                   run program once for each line of input
  -p                   same as -n, but also print $_ at the end of lines
  -I path              adds the path to the module search path
  -M module            loads the module prior to running the program
  --target=stage       specify compilation stage to emit
  --optimize=level     use the given level of optimization (0..3)
  --rakudo-home=path   Override the path of the Rakudo runtime files
  -o, --output=name    specify name of output file
  -v, --version        display version information
  -V                   print configuration summary
  --stagestats         display time spent in the compilation stages
  --ll-exception       display a low level backtrace on errors
  --doc=module         use Pod::To::[module] to render inline documentation
                       when running without "-e" or filename arguments,
                       a REPL is started. By default, if STDIN is a TTY,
                       "interactive" REPL is started that shows extra messages and
                       prompts, otherwise a "non-interactive" mode is used where
                       STDIN is read entirely and evaluated as if it were a program,
                       without any extra output (in fact, no REPL machinery is even
                       loaded). This option allows to bypass TTY detection and
                       force one of the REPL modes.
  --profile[=name]     write profile information to a file
                       Extension controls format:
                           .json outputs in JSON
                           .sql  outputs in SQL
                           any other extension outputs in HTML
                       write compile-time profile information to a file
                       Extension controls format:
                         .json outputs in JSON
                         .sql  outputs in SQL
                         any other extension outputs in HTML
                       choose the type of profile to generate
                         instrumented - performance measurements (default)
                         heap - record heap snapshots after every garbage
                         collector run
                       provide a different filename for profile.
                       Extension controls format:
                         .json outputs in JSON
                         .sql  outputs in SQL
                         any other extension outputs in HTML
                       This option will go away in a future Rakudo release
                       write profile information for the given compilation
                       stage to a file. Use --profile-compile to set name
                       and format
  --full-cleanup       try to free all memory and exit cleanly
  --debug-port=port    listen for incoming debugger connections
  --debug-suspend      pause execution at the entry point
  --tracing            output a line to stderr on every interpreter instr (only if
                       enabled in MoarVM)

Note that only Boolean single-letter options may be bundled.

The supported values (stages) for --target are:

Target     Backend  Description
======     =======  ===========
parse      all      a representation of the parse tree
ast        all      an abstract syntax tree (before optimizations)
optimize   all      an abstract syntax tree (after optimizations)

mbc        MoarVM   MoarVM byte code
jar        JVM      JVM archive

For --profile-filename, specifying a name ending in .json will write a raw JSON profile dump. The default if this is omitted is profile-[timestamp].html.

Please check out the document on environment variables to check for different ways to change the behavior of the different layers of Raku.

See Also


Modules and applications used to debug Raku programs

Reading the docs

rakudoc - the Raku pod reader

Environment variables used by the raku command line

How to run Rakudo, a Raku implementation, and modify its behavior with environment variables.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.