NAME Test::Grammar - Test pieces of a grammar
use Test::Grammar;
parses-ok Test-Grammar,"num", 3, "33 parses OK";
my $test-output = q:to/EOC/;
ok 1 - bailout parses OK
ok 2 - «bailout» extracts token
has-tokens Test-Grammar, "test", <nok num description>, $test-output,
"Complete tests";
token-is Test-Grammar,"bailout", "explanation",
"Bail out! FOOBAR",
"«bailout» extracts token";
for <foo bar b3> {
parses-nok Test-Grammar,"num", $_, "$_ not parsed";
DESCRIPTION This module is intended as a white-box test for grammars
sub parses-ok( Grammar $grammar, $token-or-rule, Str $str, $message = "👍" )
Checks that the grammar rule, contained in a strings, parses the string, returning something, without really worrying about what it actually returns.
sub parses-nok( Grammar $grammar, $token-or-rule, Str $str, $message = "👎 $str" )
Checks that it does not parse the handled string
sub has-tokens( Grammar $grammar, $token-or-rule, @tokens, Str $str, $message = "👍" ) is export {
After parsing a token/rule/regex in a grammar, the resulting match includes those sub-matches (also called, confusingly enough, tokens).
sub parses-to( Grammar $grammar, $token-or-rule, Str $str, $message = "👍" )
String is parsed to itself by the rule. (I might merge this to the first one later, maybe)
sub token-is( Grammar $grammar, $token-or-rule, $token, Str $str, Str $token-str, $message = "👍" )
Checks if an internal subtoken extracts the value correctly