Gherkin::Grammar Raku package

This repository has the Raku package for Gherkin grammar and interpretations.

Gherkin is the language of the Cucumber framework, [Wk1] that is used to Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), [Wk2].

The Raku package "Cucumis Sextus, [RL1], aims to provide a "full-blown" specification-and-execution framework in Raku like the typical Cucumber functionalities in other languages. (Ruby, Java, etc.)

This package, "Gherkin::Grammar", aims to provide:

  • Grammar (and roles) for parsing Gherkin specifications

  • Test file template generation

Having a "standalone" Gherkin grammar (or role) facilitates the creation and execution of general or specialized frameworks for Raku support of BDD.

The package provides the functions:

  • gherkin-parse

  • gherkin-subparse

  • gherkin-interpret

The Raku outputs of gherkin-interpret are test file templates that after filling-in would provide tests correspond to the input specifications (given in Gherkin.)

Remark: A good introduction to the Cucumber / Gherkin approach and workflows is the README of [RLp1].

Remark: The grammar in this package was programmed following the specifications and explanations in Gherkin Reference.


From Zef ecosystem:

zef install Gherkin::Grammar

From GitHub:

zef install


The package follows the general Cucumber workflow, but some elements are less automated. Here is flow chart

Here is corresponding narration:

  1. Write tests using Gherkin specs

  2. Generate test code

    • Using the package "Gherkin::Grammar".

  3. Fill-in the code of step functions

  4. Execute tests

  5. Revisit (refine) steps 1 and/or 4 as needed

  6. Integrate resulting test file

Usage examples

Here is a basic (and short) Gherkin spec parsing example:

use Gherkin::Grammar;

my $text0 = q:to/END/;
Feature: Calculation
    Example: One plus one
    When 1 + 1
    Then 2

# use v6.d;
# #============================================================
# proto Background(@cmdFuncPairs) {*}
# proto ScenarioOutline(@cmdFuncPairs) {*}
# proto Example($descr) {*}
# proto Given(Str:D $cmd, |) {*}
# proto When(Str:D $cmd, |) {*}
# proto Then(Str:D $cmd, |) {*}
# #============================================================
# use Test;
# plan *;
# #============================================================
# # Example : One plus one
# #------------------------------------------------------------
# multi sub When( '1 + 1' ) {}
# multi sub Then( '2' ) {}
# multi sub Example('One plus one') {
# 	When( '1 + 1' );
# 	Then( '2' );
# }
# is Example('One plus one'), True, 'One plus one';
# done-testing;


The package provides provides internationalization using different languages. The (initial) internationalization keyword-regexes were taken from [RLp1]. (See the file "I18n.rakumod".)

Here is an example with Russian:

my $ru-text = q:to/END/;
Функционал: Вычисление
    Пример: одно плюс одно
    Когда 1 + 1
    Тогда 2

gherkin-interpret($ru-text, lang => 'Russian');
# use v6.d;
# #============================================================
# proto Background(@cmdFuncPairs) {*}
# proto ScenarioOutline(@cmdFuncPairs) {*}
# proto Example($descr) {*}
# proto Given(Str:D $cmd, |) {*}
# proto When(Str:D $cmd, |) {*}
# proto Then(Str:D $cmd, |) {*}
# #============================================================
# use Test;
# plan *;
# #============================================================
# # Example : одно плюс одно
# #------------------------------------------------------------
# multi sub When( '1 + 1' ) {}
# multi sub Then( '2' ) {}
# multi sub Example('одно плюс одно') {
# 	When( '1 + 1' );
# 	Then( '2' );
# }
# is Example('одно плюс одно'), True, 'одно плюс одно';
# done-testing;


The package takes both doc-strings and tables as step arguments.

The tables are parsed with the package "Markdown::Grammar", [AAp1].


Complete example

The files "Calculator.feature" and "Calculator.rakutest" provide a fully worked example of how this package can be used to implement Cucumber framework workflows.

Remark: The Cucumber framework(s) expect Gherkin specifications to be written in files with extension ".feature".


The package provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) script. Here is its help message:

gherkin-interpretation --help
# Usage:
#   gherkin-interpretation <fileName> [-l|--from-lang=<Str>] [-t|--to-lang=<Str>] [-o|--output=<Str>] -- Interprets Gherkin specifications.
#     -l|--from-lang=<Str>    Natural language in which the feature specification is written in. [default: 'English']
#     -t|--to-lang=<Str>      Language to interpret (translate) the specification to. [default: 'Raku']
#     -o|--output=<Str>       File to place the interpretation to. (If '-' stdout is used.) [default: '-']



[Wk1] Wikipedia entry, "Cucumber (software)". See also

[Wk2] Wikipedia entry, "Behavior-driven development".

[SB1] SmartBear, "Gherkin Reference", (2023),


[AAp1] Anton Antonov, Markdown::Grammar Raku package, (2022-2023), GitHub/antononcube.

[RLp1] Robert Lemmen, Cucumis Sextus Raku package, (2017-2020), GitHub/robertlemmen.

Gherkin::Grammar v0.1.0

Gherkin grammar and actions.


  • Anton Antonov





Test Dependencies


  • Gherkin::Actions::Raku::TestTemplate
  • Gherkin::Grammar
  • Gherkin::Grammar::Internationalization
  • Gherkin::Grammarish

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.